Excellence Above Talent Podcast
The State of Man Is in Crisis—It’s Time for a Conversation.
The Excellence Above Talent podcast was born from pain, loss, and a deep need for change.
- Men are 3.6 times more likely to die by suicide than women.
- Men commit the majority of violence in the U.S., including domestic abuse and sexual assault.
- 90% of the prison population consists of men.
These are not just statistics—they represent broken families, lost lives, and a cycle of harm and abuse that must end.
As a BIPP (Batterer’s Intervention and Prevention Program) Director for four years, I’ve had countless conversations with men—men who believed abuse was necessary, men who didn’t even realize they were abusers. What I learned is that men want to talk, but they have no safe space to do so.
Society teaches men to suppress their struggles, to avoid vulnerability, and to uphold a toxic version of manhood. But silence is destroying us.
The Excellence Above Talent podcast is here to challenge the status quo. We’re redefining what it means to be a man—one conversation at a time.
Join me. Let’s fight for the future of manhood. Our sons are watching.
#ExcellenceAboveTalent #MensMentalHealth #RedefiningManhood #BreakTheCycle
Excellence Above Talent Podcast
Men Who Cheat Are Cowards
Cheating changes EVERYBODY involved!!
Coward- a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
Men who run to other women instead of facing the issue that's going wrong in their marriage or relationship are cowards.
You don't have the balls to walk away and you don't have the guts to sit and have a difficult conversation.
Communicating your needs as a man doesn't make you weak.
#excellenceabovetalent #EAT #dontgiveup #youdeservethebest #youareenough ...